5 Things Men LOVE In Bed!

1. Tighten them up.

No matter how long you have been with your partner, you can always make him feel something different when you are having sex. Try different intensities, and when you feel like he's about to end, squeeze hard.

2. Oral sex.

It is basic, but it is one of the easiest ways to make him feel addicted to you. Try different styles, intensities, shapes, movements. Get creative.

3. Looking at you.

Men enjoy sex more, when their women enjoy. So, enjoy every moment of sex, verbally and physically. Let him enjoy the fact that you are enjoying the moment.

4. Movements.

Nobody likes to have sex with someone, that stay there flat, without doing anything. Sex is more fun when both parties put everything of themselves.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2S_Q7pxCck

5. Stimulate his whole body.

Not all men are equal, however, there are erogenous zones common to the whole gender. The idea is that, you locate which are the ones that make him vibrate, so that you concentrate on them.

what men love in bed, what do men love in bed, things men love in bed


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